How to Find Balance in an Unbalanced World
30 Simple Ways to Regain Your Inner Peace
1. Take long walks in quiet places.
2. Dance when no one is looking (but your dog and cat).
3. Listen to your body when it says, “Please, stop.”
4. Find just the right ingredients to create that dish you saw on IG.
5. Bake a homemade pizza full of the healthiest ingredients in your fridge.
6. Splurge on a stracciatella ice cream cone in the sunshine.
7. Dip your toes in the ocean even if it’s cold (especially if it’s cold).
8. Surprise a friend with flowers for no reason.
9. Write poetry to yourself.
10. Cuddle with loved ones, two- or four-footed ones.
11. Smile at the store vendor when they are grouchy.
12. Make a habit of writing down your internal dialogue and if it lacks self-compassion or is full of fear, rewrite it so it nourishes you.
13. Help carry groceries for the older woman who is your neighbor.
14. Walk to town instead of driving.
15. Build cairns in surprising places just because you know someone will smile.
16. Prune the herbs in your garden while you Imagine new ways to use them.
17. Meet a friend for an afternoon at an art gallery.
18. Explore a town you’ve never been, away from tourists or crowds.
19. Schedule a hot stone massage for a cold winter day.
20. Learn to make REAL hot chocolate.
21. Sit by a fire you made yourself simply to watch the flames and feel the warmth.
22. Choose a color for the week and wear it every day.
23. Go tech-free for a weekend – no internet, computers or social media.
24. Stop reading, listening to or watching the news for a few days.
25. Eat only when you’re hungry and sleep when you are tired.
26. Enjoy weekend naps without guilt.
27. Find an empty playground and swing and slide until you laugh out loud.
28. Close your office door for twenty minutes of undisturbed stillness every day.
29. Build a snowman with your family or friends (assuming you have snow!).
30. Go for a swim in the ocean three times a week (assuming you have an ocean and it’s warm enough to go swimming).