“Author Alicia Rodriguez embodies the essence of authenticity. Her inspiring journey resonates with those at life's crossroads, guiding them towards the heroic path of integrity and wholeness. Join her in the pursuit of a life well lived.”
Michael Lee, MA C-IAYT, Founder, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, Author of Bridge from Body to Soul
Available worldwide:
“Too often we give away our power in one small surrender after another. The hard-won wisdom Alicia has poured into these pages – with authenticity and insight – will help you reclaim your power, reconnect to your courage, and use it to make the changes that tug most on your heart.”
Dr. Margie Warrell, Bestselling Author of You’ve Got This: The Life-Changing Power of Trusting Yourself
“With vivid imagery and lush prose, Alicia delivers us to her fascinating life in Ecuador and, in her deft weaving of her tale, causes us to simultaneously fall in love with her shaman, empathise with his suffering, and fear him. These are deep insights into the mystical world from someone with the consciousness to understand the magic behind the tapestry.”
Gina Hayden, Author of Becoming a Conscious Leader: How to Lead Successfully in a World That’s Waking Up

A sometimes-harrowing story of spirituality, trust and a search for identity.

What readers are saying about The Shaman’s Wife.
"I’m there… I’m feeling the damp, cloying humidity in that room. Then I’m feeling the cool concrete and the hot tears outside on that veranda. This is so powerful, yet it’s still just a teaser for the story about to unfold. Your skill in moving us from past to present, back to a more distant past and on to other anchors in time is phenomenal. This experience of being privy to, what feels like, a privileged club of early readers is special. Thank you. "
— Gill M, Ch 1
"One of the most fantastic books I’ve read chapter to chapter in a long time. Beautiful prose. You can feel yourself in each scene of the story. What a gift you have and what a gift you are ❤️"
— Elisa V, Ch 4
“Reading this I’m actually transfixed. Is it because your words actually transport me into the room you’re in? I swear that I could actually FEEL/HEAR/SENSE so much of the “setting” through your words. Brave. Warrior. YES YOU ARE BOTH I.want.more. More words to digest and feel. I am enjoying this new Saturday morning “ritual” that I’ve unconsciously created around your emails. "
— Leanne P, Ch 2
“I loved the richness of your descriptions that illuminate the texture of the physical and internal landscapes that you share. Such somatic color and feeling. I look forward to the unfolding of your story."
— Erik M, Ch 1
"My favorite chapter yet! And the most powerful words that I FELT…… “one who would heal me with his light and wound me with his shadow.”
— L.P. Ch 5
"Really loving the chapters, you write so elegantly! I now have to wait another weeeeeek???!!!"
— Lauren J, Ch 5
"As you know, it's a sacred time for me to read these passages so I waited until the quiet of this morning. This was deeply moving. You have turned your experiences into powerful insight and created lessons for all of us. This book already has the strong possibility of a best seller and movie or series. "
— Sandra E, Ch 6
"I’d like to take a moment to express my appreciation of your courage to embark on your soul path, your lyrical writing and your urge to share and serve. I believe that any and all of us who take a moment to reflect on "who we really are" are contributing to the awakening underway in the human collective. "
— Erik M, Ch 11
"You are a prolific writer!! I am grateful and humbled to be a part of your circle! You are a gifted writer. The grace and flow of your words mesmerize me. This has become my favorite Saturday morning ritual. You’re an awesome, courageous and inspiring woman! I am inspired by you. Thanks for sharing your story. 🙏🏾😌♥️ "
— Edith H, Ch 7
"This chapter was so good. There’s something so special about my Saturday mornings. I do my chores, pour a coffee and read your chapter before the kids wake up Thanks for this opportunity, Alicia. Can’t wait to see how it all unfolds."
Sydney F, Ch 24
"So, so, so good! It went deep to my core. No real words for it but I felt it in my bones. Is this the end? I don’t want it to be over. I guess that’s the kind of book everyone wants to read. The kind that you never want to end. You’ve done it!"
Erin H, Ch 25
"Your chapter this week blew me away. This entry feels different. It may be the simple literary reality that you have moved from narrative to impact and the value it brings to you and to those in your circle. Thank you for sharing your gifts."
Barry G, Ch 25
Hello. Thank you for your interest in my new book, a memoir titled The Shaman’s Wife: A Mystical Journey of Surrender and Self-Discovery, published on September 10, 2024, by She Writes Press.
Allow me to tell you a bit about it.
When Alicia Rodriguez, a successful entrepreneur recovering from divorce and loss, accepts an invitation to Ecuador to help a friend who is studying with a shaman, she has no idea how profoundly the decision will change her life’s course.
In Ecuador, Alicia meets Napo, a powerful shaman, and they begin an extraordinary relationship that spans two continents and eight years. Alicia learns the principles of shamanism and witnesses Napo’s remarkable healing abilities. Confronted with the illusion of her life in the United States, she decides to move to Ecuador to be with him, and together they build a healing center on the coast. Within a short time, however, she realizes that she has surrendered her power and agency to Napo—who now wields it as a weapon against her. After years of inner struggle, she finally finds the courage to leave Ecuador and moves to Portugal, where she finds peace . . . until an unexpected phone call rekindles old memories.
An extraordinary memoir steeped in spirituality, shamanism, and metaphysics, The Shaman’s Wife is the story of a woman who, through a daring journey of self-discovery, reclaims and embraces her feminine wisdom—and realizes that love is the answer to her lifelong spiritual quest.

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Discussion Questions for Book Clubs
Use these questions to guide your discussion and delve deeper into the themes and messages of "The Shaman's Wife" with your book club members. Happy discussing!
Get The Shaman’s Wife Companion Journal and Book Club Guide here.
"The Shaman's Wife" is more than just a story—it's an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. As you read the book, this companion journal will serve as your guide, providing space for reflection, exploration, and growth. Take your time with each prompt and exercise, allowing yourself to delve deep into your thoughts and emotions. Let's begin our journey of transformation together!
Enjoy "The Shaman's Wife" Companion Journal and Book Club Guide! Print it out and hand-write your thoughts. I hope this journey of self-reflection and exploration has brought you closer to uncovering your own inner wisdom and strength. Remember, your journey of self-discovery is ongoing, and each step you take brings you closer to living a life of authenticity and fulfillment. Keep shining your light brightly!