A Teaspoon of Healing: Reclaiming Your Power After a Toxic Relationship

In A Teaspoon of Healing, we explore the various pathways to wellness and vibrant living. Dawn interviews health and wellness experts as well as people like you who share their personal journeys of healing. The focus is on all aspects of healing: physical, emotional, and spiritual, and it encompasses both Western and holistic healing practices. Dawn will also share her tips about health and nutrition and the healing she has experienced.

In this Podcast, we explore these questions and more.

How do we recognize when we diminish our power?

What does it mean to be spiritual?

How does grief play a role in being vulnerable?

Are you looking for love - or looking for relief?

Why don’t we listen to our intuition?

What is Amor Propio, and why is it necessary for a positive relationship?

Alicia M. Rodriguez

Alicia M. Rodriguez, President of Sophia Associates Inc. provides executive, leadership and personal coaching for women, leaders and entrepreneurs.


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