Big Life Magic

Alicia’s memoir, The Shaman's Wife, describes her journey to discover a stronger sense of self. In this episode, we chat about the journey, the book, courage, bravery, and how our stories shape our world.

Deb Driscoll, the founder of Big Life Magic and the You Are The Magic podcast invited me to share my story and expertise on her podcast. I invite you to tune in.

You Are The Magic is a podcast dedicated to women and our stories. Debra believes that we need to hear more stories from women living big lives and making the magic happen (that’s me!). The hope is that by sharing insights into how women choose themselves, overcome adversity, and step into their unique gifts and talents, more women will find within themselves the YES to decide what they know is right for them.

View the Video/Podcast here:

A magical conversation between Alicia and Debra - lessons from The Shaman’s Wife.

Alicia M. Rodriguez

Alicia M. Rodriguez, President of Sophia Associates Inc. provides executive, leadership and personal coaching for women, leaders and entrepreneurs.

Becoming Limitless: Integrating Stillness and Spirituality for Authentic Leadership


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