Restorative Circles

We get by with a little help from our friends!

Do you have a network of women who you would like to spend quality time with and develop and grow together? Peers, collaborators, friends, mid-life women, girlfriends, or entrepreneurs who support one another.

Come as a group to explore who you BE - not a focus on business but a focus on YOU. You already spend time and energy taking care of others. Now it’s time to take care of you in the company of friends.

Restorative Circles is ideal if you feel isolated and want to reconnect with your group of friends, or circle of women.

Custom designed for your group.

Alicia M. Rodriguez

Alicia M. Rodriguez, President of Sophia Associates Inc. provides executive, leadership and personal coaching for women, leaders and entrepreneurs.

The 2023 Unapologetic Retreat


Becoming Limitless