The Journey of Surrender and Self-Discovery with Alicia Rodriguez

with Dr. Sara Podmae, Healer and Acupuncturist (Annapolis, MD) on her podcast Midlife Rise + Thrive

What happens when we give away our power, and how can we reclaim it?

In this episode, I (Sara) sit with Alicia Rodriguez, a published author, storyteller, and slow-living evangelist. Alicia shares her transformative journey of reclaiming her agency after giving it away in a complex relationship, a central theme in her upcoming memoir, “The Shaman's Wife: A Mystical Journey of Surrender and Self-Discovery.” 

Alicia discusses the impact of societal and generational messaging on women’s sense of power and the spiritual voids that can make us vulnerable. She shares her story of surrender and self-discovery, which can inspire you to reclaim your power and live with intention. 

Alicia is a published author, storyteller, slow-living evangelist, and catalyst for personal growth. She works with individuals committed to making quantum leaps in their lives. Alicia is passionate about writing, Portugal, rich coffee, her dog Sophie, courageous conversations, and work with heart and meaning. As a published author and spiritual woman, she nurtures her creativity and soul in the beauty of the Algarve. Alicia’s memoir, The Shaman’s Wife, will be published on September 10, 2024, and is available now here.

*** All show notes are available at!

Topics covered in this episode include: 

- Reclaiming agency in complex relationships 

- The role of spiritual voids in vulnerability 

- Forgiveness and self-compassion in healing 

- The power of retreats for self-care and transformation 

Alicia M. Rodriguez

Alicia M. Rodriguez, President of Sophia Associates Inc. provides executive, leadership and personal coaching for women, leaders and entrepreneurs.

Creating Wellness from Within with Amy Zeller


Heads Together Podcast 7-Episode Series on The Shaman’s Wife