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Discover Your Purpose on Your Journey Through Life Transitions

  • Restorative Retreats Ferragudo Portugal (map)

This retreat is for you…

  • If you have the experience to build on and the motivation to make this next phase of your life a personal and professional success.

  • If you feel the longing for something else as yet unknown and want to clarify possibilities for a new normal.

  • If you are open to a deeper inquiry combined with the courage to experiment with new activities driven by the commitment to authentic self-expression.

  • It's not for you if you are not serious about a change in your life or if you are not open to reflecting as you take on these new experiments.

You will learn:

  • Why Mid-Life is a critical and perfect time for self-discovery.

  • How to tap into courage despite the fear of the unknown.

  • The phases you must go through when you experience a life transition.

  • What makes the difference between staying stuck and moving on?

  • Tapping your imagination to envision your future.

  • How what you do and who you are influencing a mid-life shift.

  • Actions you can take to move from one phase to the next.

Why Transitions Need A Guide

You can know yourself if you bring up
those cloudy canvases from your dreams,
today, this day, when you walk
awake, open-eyed. ...
    --Antonio Machado

Sometimes, it begins with an inkling.  Something is off, but you can’t place it.

Other times, a significant event catapults you into deeper questions about your life that gnaw at you as you seek to escape the discomfort of a change thrust upon you. 

On occasion, you consciously decide that a change is needed, but you don’t have the path, staring into a great unknown with no way to begin.

All of these point to a need to change your life in some way to create harmony and alignment between what matters to you now and how you live your life.

Who we are and what we do are tightly connected.

To change, you must change what you do so you can enter into a new possibility of who you are.

When one changes (who you are or what you do), the other must inevitably change also.

This will cause discomfort, frustration, unease, and even anxiety.

During this time, it is useful to have a guide to partner with you to explore more deeply how to harness your energy to move forward. This retreat provides quiet time for reflection, a natural space that eliminates distractions, and active facilitation from a guide experienced in shepherding others through life transitions.

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